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Galaxy DX 949 (Mobile)

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Galaxy DX 949 (Mobile) Empty Galaxy DX 949 (Mobile)

Message par Dundee33 Sam 18 Juil 2020, 11:57

Galaxy DX 949 (Mobile) Galaxy19
(Non homologué en France)

Recommended for: Users who want the benefit of long-range SSB communications in an affordable package. Most commonly used with semis, pick-ups and other vehicles with ample room for mounting a full-sized radio. Not recommended for industrial or high-impact use.
Radio Features: Public Address, Built-in SWR, Single Side Band (SSB), Delta Tune, Dynamike Boost, High SWR Indicator, Noise Reduction (NB/ANL), RF Gain
Plus de détails ici:
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Source Canada:

#Galaxy #DX #949

Localisation : Est Gironde (France)
Age : 60

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